Office Interior Design 設計及裝修套餐

HK Office Design - Simplified Design and Build Packages
Upholding practical, comfortable, ecological and cultural concepts. Managing designs with ideas and change lifestyles with designs.

Office Interior Design - Uplifting your Brand

寫字樓設計中心 Office Design

Office Interior Design

服務優勢 Service Workflow

Service Workflow

設計裝修套餐 Build Package & Fee

Build Package

辦公室工程案例 Case Studies

Case Studies

寫字樓傢俬訂造 - office furniture

Office Furniture

玻璃間牆 Partition Wall Meeting Room

Meeting Partition Wall

On-site measurements and quotations for free

免費現場度量及報價 - free quotation

In order to provide a more accurate professional planning, we arrange experienced designers to arrive on-site, provide free measurements and enquiries.

Professional enquiries and communications

專業查詢溝通 - Professional inquiry

Online appointment for enquiries and estimations could be made before starting any detailed planning. Specialists will arrange related services according to your needs.

One-stop diversified 

一條龍多元服務 - one stop service

We integrate diversified services and we are responsible for the overall process starting from the design, engineering and furniture of your working space, to the installations of hardware, such as telephone exchange, access control, fire safety.

Experienced and professional design

資深專業設計 - professional design service

Experienced designers can design in accordance with functional needs and show refined ease and convenience in the office space.

Our Clients

客戶名單 - 做好辦公室‧做好品牌 - client list

客戶名單 - 做好辦公室‧做好品牌 - client list